
Threatened orchid locations top secret for survival

The future of four stunning but highly threatened orchid species in WA's wheatbelt region is now more secure thanks to a special collaboration between community volunteers and a dedicated scientist.

Do fish survive in streams in winter?

Most stream-resident fish stay throughout winter despite the ice. This has been shown by Christine Weber, previous researcher at UmeƄ University, by tagging trout and sculpins with transponders to follow fish migration. ...

Stunning auroras from the space station in ultra HD

Stunning high definition views of Earth's auroras and dancing lights as seen from space like never before have just been released by NASA in the form of ultra-high definition videos (4K) captured from the International Space ...

How researchers teach bacteria new behaviours

Researchers working in the field of synthetic biology use components that occur in nature and combine them in a new way. This is how bacteria acquire functions that they hadn't previously possessed. This offers great potential ...

How vibrio cholera is attracted by bile revealed

A group of researchers from Osaka University, Hosei University, and Nagoya University have revealed the molecular mechanism that Vibrio cholerae, the etiological agent of cholera, is attracted by bile. This group has also ...

How history can help us solve global economic issues

As MIT works to advance solutions for global challenges in the realms of innovation, education, planetary environment, and human health, MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS) has tapped key scholars ...

Companies eye partnership deals to counter low growth

With global economic growth slowing, inflation staying low and digital innovation generating uncertainty, companies are increasingly looking at partnership deals with other firms, even competitors, to boost revenues, consulting ...

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