
Low mortality of Dutch honeybee colonies this winter

Last winter saw the lowest winter mortality of bee colonies for many years. While the loss rate was still around 20% in 2011, it fell below 10% over the last two years and this year was just 6.5%. Winter mortality in the ...

Folding molecules into screw-shaped structures

An international research team describes the methods of winding up molecules into screw-shaped structures in the journal Angewandte Chemie. With the aid of artificial molecules, the researchers imitated the principles underlying ...

How scientists are addressing the 'reproducibility problem'

Recently a friend of mine on Facebook posted a link whose headline quoted a scientist saying "Most cancer research is largely a fraud." The quote is both out of context and many decades old. But its appearance still makes ...

Understanding Spica (Alpha Virginis)

The familiar star Spica (Alpha Virginis) is the fifteenth brightest star in the night sky, in part because it is relatively nearby, only about 250 light-years away. It is easy to find by following the arc of the Big Dipper's ...

Accounting for politics in green energy transitions

Politics plays a hand in how, and whether, a nation transitions to renewable energy. But despite the significant effects of policy on technological progress, few growth projections for renewables take political dynamics into ...

Possible new mission proposed for Dawn spacecraft

The Dawn spacecraft, NASA's asteroid hopping probe, may not be going gently into that good night as planned. Dawn has visited Vesta and Ceres, and for now remains in orbit around Ceres. The Dawn mission was supposed to end ...

How do we know there's a Planet 9?

At this point, I think the astronomy textbook publishers should just give up. They'd like to tell you how many planets there are in the solar system, they really would. But astronomers just can't stop discovering new worlds, ...

Scientists inch closer to predicting phreatic volcanic eruptions

Throughout the centuries, volcanic eruptions have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives due in part to the lack of accurate signs indicating imminent eruptions. One type of a volcanic eruption, a phreatic eruption, which ...

Going off-grid easier with friends

With WA's power grid ageing and energy bills soaring, microgrids have never been more talked about—and they're easier with friends.

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