
How smelly is your rubbish?

According to some estimates, every year, over 8 billion tonnes of urban waste are generated worldwide, and there is every reason to believe that this figure will increase in coming years due to population growth. Compositing, ...

Why wind turbines annoy residents and how to reduce the problem

When falling asleep, relaxing or undertaking recreational activities, nearly a third of residents living near a wind farm report that they are not at all annoyed, or only slightly annoyed by the noise of wind turbines. One ...

Vitamin C in the body can be tracked by fluorescence

Vitamin C is best known as a nutrient. In high enough doses, however, vitamin C also shows potential against many cancers, according to recent studies. To successfully develop vitamin C (chemically named ascorbic acid) as ...

Ultralow power consumption for data recording

A team of researchers at Tohoku University, in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and Hanyang University, has developed new phase change material with electrical ...

Philippines plans forced evacuations around erupting volcano

Philippine authorities who have declared a no-go zone around an erupting volcano said Thursday they will remove all holdouts, by force if necessary, to avoid casualties after tens of thousands of other residents fled to safety.

Dutch robots help make cheese, 'smell' the roses

It might be one small move for a robot, but it could prove an important step for Dutch cheesemakers. Moonlander, invented by students, is here to help take the hard work out of curds and whey.

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