
China's 'space dream': A Long March to the Moon

China's launch this week of an unmanned spacecraft aimed at bringing back lunar rocks—the first attempt by any nation to retrieve samples from the Moon in four decades—underlines just how far the country has come in achieving ...

Making sense of a universe of corn genetics

Seed banks across the globe store and preserve the genetic diversity of millions of varieties of crops. This massive collection of genetic material ensures crop breeders access to a wealth of genetics with which to breed ...

Researchers identify genetics behind deadly oat blight

A multi-institution team co-led by a Cornell University researcher has identified the genetic mechanisms that enable the production of a deadly toxin called Victorin—the causal agent for Victoria blight of oats, a disease ...

Understanding dangerous droplet dynamics

Researchers who study the physics of fluids are learning why certain situations increase the risk that droplets will transmit diseases like COVID-19.

Tracking and fighting fires on earth and beyond

Mechanical engineer Michael Gollner and his graduate student, Sriram Bharath Hariharan, from the University of California, Berkeley, recently traveled to NASA's John H. Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. There, they ...

Tracing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid

Swelling is one of the most dangerous and immediate consequences of a brain injury or stroke. Doctors have long known about the dangers of swelling, which has traditionally been blamed on ruptured blood vessels. New research ...

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