
Freshwater reserves under the sea

Research at Flinders University is investigating and locating vital freshwater hidden beneath the sea.

Report: Empower men to resist violence

A report has confirmed the value of a reflective approach for working with men who use violence against women and children, that encourages men to explore their core values and relationship ideals.

Stepping up the science of street protests

A surge in street protests since the election of President Donald Trump nearly three years ago has scholars struggling to find new methods to study this form of social activism, according to a new paper co-authored by UConn ...

Mapping nonlinear research impact pathways

Universities have always performed work that benefits the broader community. But in recent years there has been much more emphasis on demonstrating and measuring the impact that this work has outside academia, with impact ...

Flexible, transparent and cost-effective lasers

The interest in plastic electronics and photonics has experienced a significant increase in the last decades due to the exceptional optical, semiconducting and mechanical properties of these materials. Plastic electronics, ...

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