
Entropy and search engines

Entropy, a term loosely referring to the disorder of a physical system and infamously associated with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, wherein we know that it ultimately increases in any closed system, might be used to gauge ...

Peru's Quelccaya ice cap could meet its demise by mid-2050s

If warming trends continue, Quelccaya, which until recently was the world's largest tropical ice cap, will have reached a state of irreversible retreat by the mid-2050s, according to a new study led by University at Albany ...

Electric shocks kill bacteria

Low temperatures and an acidic environment create the ideal conditions for an effective method of inactivating Listeria (and other germs) in the processing of whey protein solutions – without destroying valuable nutrients. ...

NASA's Juno mission detects Jupiter wave trains

Massive structures of moving air that appear like waves in Jupiter's atmosphere were first detected by NASA's Voyager missions during their flybys of the gas-giant world in 1979. The JunoCam camera aboard NASA's Juno mission ...

Using AI to create new fragrances

Skilled perfumers bring art and science together to design new fragrances, a talent that takes ten or more years to develop. Crafting a fragrance that leaves an impression is one of the most important components a consumer ...

Homebody tendencies put Hawaiian gallinules at risk

The Hawaiian Islands are home to a range of unique, endangered bird species. Many waterbirds such as the Hawaiian Coot and Hawaiian Gallinule have been recovering in recent decades thanks to intensive wetland management, ...

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