
Always keeping a safe distance

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, along with a colleague from the University of Florida in the US, have been carrying out research into how transport proteins ...

How Safe Is Travel To Mars

As NASA lays plans for travel to the moon and Mars, the agency is exploring propulsion systems, crew modules, and habitat structures. It has looked at the psychology of being cooped up with fellow astronauts for a years-long ...

When is a supersolid not quite so super?

A deceptively simple experiment, recently published in the journal Science, has moved physics one step closer to explaining the odd behavior of supersolid helium. The unusual state of matter – in which a portion of the ...

Amazon River Once Flowed in Opposite Direction

The world's largest river basin, the Amazon, once flowed from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific - opposite its present direction - according to research by a geology graduate student and his advisor at the University of North ...

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