
US parents delaying preschool and kindergarten amid pandemic

Claire Reagan was feeling overwhelmed as her oldest child's first day of kindergarten approached and with a baby on the way. The 5-year-old boy has autism, and she worried he would struggle with juggling in-person and virtual ...

Scientists discover why tarantulas come in vivid blues and greens

Why are some tarantulas so vividly colored? Scientists have puzzled over why these large, hairy spiders, active primarily during the evening and at night-time, would sport such vibrant blue and green colouration—especially ...

Penicillium camemberti: a history of domestication on cheese

The white, fluffy layer that covers Camembert is made of a mold resulting from human selection, similar to the way dogs were domesticated from wolves. A collaboration involving French scientists from the CNRS has shown, through ...

Searching together: A lesson from rats

The rat in a maze might be one of the most classic paradigms in the study of behavior, but an international team of scientists has put a twist on this experimental motif to push the leading edge of technology and research ...

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