
A challenging series of occultations this weekend and more

Got clear skies? This week's equinox means the return of astronomical Fall for northern hemisphere observers and a slow but steady return of longer nights afterwards. And as the Moon returns to the evening skies, all eyes ...

Study finds gang life is short-lived

Although membership in a gang often is depicted as a lifelong commitment, the typical gang member joins at age 13 and only stays active for about two years, according to a study at Sam Houston State University.

2-D materials' crystalline defects key to new properties

Understanding how atoms "glide" and "climb" on the surface of 2D crystals like tungsten disulphide may pave the way for researchers to develop materials with unusual or unique characteristics, according to an international ...

Taking advantage of graphene defects

A potential application in security screening: new theoretical model for estimation of electric current rectification in graphene

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