
Rare 'red sprites' seen from ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile

This new image taken of the skies above Chile's Atacama Desert near the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) La Silla Observatory, shows bright red streaks in the sky known as red sprites. Red sprites are large-scale electrical ...

Opinion: The algorithm, a tool against populist rhetoric

There is no shortage of critiques concerning the use of AI in public decision-making processes. Scholars, for example, have described algorithms as a "toxic cocktail for democracy" by pointing at the ever-growing availability ...

Damage-reporting and self-healing skin-like polymeric coatings

Skin-like polymeric coatings are applied to the surfaces of automobiles, ships, and buildings to protect them from the external environment. As it is difficult to determine whether the currently used coatings are already ...

Structural and mechanistic insight into DNA repair

DNA double-strand breaks are one of the biggest threats to the genome and a driving force of carcinogenesis. Cellular repair mechanisms such as homologous recombination are essential for the maintenance of genome stability ...

Dugongs likely to be functionally extinct in China

A small team of researchers from China, the U.K. and Greece reports that dugongs are likely functionally extinct in China. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the group describes interviewing ...

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