
Image: The eclipse 2017 umbra viewed from space

As millions of people across the United States experienced a total eclipse as the umbra, or moon's shadow passed over them, only six people witnessed the umbra from space.

How cells hack their own genes

DNA in all organisms from yeast to humans encodes the genes that make it possible to live and reproduce. But these beneficial genes make up only 2 percent of our DNA. In fact, more than two-thirds of our genome is populated ...

The game algorithm that could improve materials design

Designing advanced materials is a complex process, with many potential combinations for precisely placing atoms within a structure. But now, scientists have developed a new tool that helps determine the ideal placements - ...

Russian archaeological find solves 13th-century mystery

Rescue archaeology work conducted in the city centre of Yaroslavl prior to installing a new sewer system has turned up an ancient leaden seal from the turn of the 13th century. It once belonged to the spouse of Vladimir Grand-Prince ...

Intelligent flow sensor for demand-controlled ventilation

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Fläkt Woods Oy have developed a flow sensor that enables ventilation to adapt to actual demand, thereby improving indoor air quality and energy efficiency. The flow control utilises ...

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