
Astronomers find hidden trove of massive black holes

A team led by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has found a previously overlooked treasure trove of massive black holes in dwarf galaxies. The newly discovered black holes offer a glimpse into ...

Five facts about the gruesome beauty of solitary wasps

Most people recognize a wasp as those stripy insects who ruin our summer picnics. They live in huge societies, much the same as the honeybee; you might even have a nest in your loft or shed. But there's a lot more to wasps ...

Investing more in cycling far outweighs the costs

The Dutch have long been recognized as leaders in cycling. Denmark is not far behind, with more bikes than cars in its capital Copenhagen. This is the result of many years of investment. Even the U.K., with less of a cycling ...

Forget about Mars, when will humans be flying to Saturn?

It might be hard to fathom now, but the human exploration of the solar system isn't going to stop at the moon and Mars. Eventually, our descendants will spread throughout the solar system—for those interested in space exploration, ...

Study establishes key areas for tiger movement in central India

Tigers across central India traverse long distances to get from one protected area to another. Maintaining safe areas for the big cats to move through—known as wildlife corridors—is essential for allowing tigers to thrive ...

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