
Satellites monitor Icelandic ash plume

(PhysOrg.com) -- As Iceland's Grímsvötn volcano spews ash high into the atmosphere, satellite observations are providing essential information to advisory centres assessing the possible hazards to aviation.

NASA's twin craft arrive in Florida for moon mission

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA's twin lunar probes have arrived in Florida to begin final preparations for a launch in late summer. The two Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory spacecraft (Grail) were shipped from Lockheed Martin ...

Has technology made life easier for working moms?

Want to know what mainstream America's ideal moms looked like 50 years ago? Tune into television shows of that era such as Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and The Donna Reed Show and you'll find the ladies of those ...

Sarkozy: Gov'ts must regulate the Internet

(AP) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday that governments need to lay down and enforce rules in the digital world - even as they need to foster creativity and economic growth with the Internet.

Key Internet summit to discuss online rules

The world's most powerful Internet and media barons gathered in Paris on Tuesday in a show of strength to leaders at the G8 summit, amid rows over online copyright, regulation and human rights.

European neo-Nazi websites find home in US

(AP) -- The website is awash with neo-Nazi symbolism and even sarcastically refers to the notorious Mauthausen concentration camp as Austria's largest open-air museum.

Rogue wave recreated in laboratory tank

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers have used a mathematical equation to create a so called "rogue" wave; the giant kind that appear out of nowhere in the open ocean to topple ships and drown their crews. Using one solution ...

New insights into DNA under the influence of strong forces

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers in biophysics, including members from the Niels Bohr Institute, have discovered new properties of DNA and observed a number of phenomena of great importance for cellular mechanisms. By studying ...

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