
What COVID-19 can teach us about sustainability

The coronavirus strain that causes COVID-19 has infected over two million people in more than 160 countries. The rising death counts are heartbreaking, and the fact that we can't even go through the customary funeral rituals ...

How to target a microbial needle within a community haystack

A team led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Marine Microbiology has developed, tested and deployed a pipeline to first target cells from communities of uncultivated microbes, and then efficiently retrieve ...

Long-term efficacy of managed wildfires in restoration efforts

Land managers are increasingly interested in using lightning-ignited wildfires as a tool to restore forests and reduce fuel loads. But little is known about the effectiveness of managing wildfires to meet restoration goals.

Team gains insights on the oxide layer of stainless steel

In March, a team of Alfa Laval researchers and scientists from Lund University led by Axel Knutsson, Material Specialist at Alfa Laval, came to the MAXPEEM beamline for four-days beamtime. MAXPEEM, one of the soft X-ray beamlines ...

COVID-19: the rise of a global collective intelligence?

All around the world, scientists and practitioners are relentlessly harnessing data on the pandemic to model its progression, predict the impact of possible interventions and develop solutions to medical equipment shortages, ...

A cellular mechanism protecting against cancer

Susanne Hellmuth and Olaf Stemmann from the Chair of Genetics at the University of Bayreuth have discovered a natural protective mechanism that leads to the programmed death of potentially diseased cells. It protects from ...

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