
Coated zinc sulfide nanoparticles are catalytically active

Ideally, a pigment should be resistant to corrosion under light irradiation—especially to UV radiation. It should also retain its white color in the long term. Today, the industry has already achieved all this with zinc ...

Want a healthier home? Start with your couch

A new study shows that when people replace their old couch with a new one that has no added flame retardants, levels of the harmful chemicals in household dust drop significantly. Replacing the foam inside the couch cushions ...

E. Coli calculus: Bacteria find the derivative optimally

Scientists from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at The University of Tokyo calculated the efficiency of the sensory network that bacteria use to move towards food and found it to be optimal from ...

Lunar cave explorer

What might look like a dangling hamster ball is actually a robotic sphere to explore the depths of lunar caves.

Satellites map record floods in Australia

Stretches of land across New South Wales, Australia, have been hit with torrential rain leading to record-breaking floods. The heavy rainfall has caused dams to spill over, rives to burst their banks and thousands of people ...

Raising the minimum wage is a health issue, too

Congress just missed one of its best shots at improving health when the Senate failed to advance a bill that would have raised the minimum wage to US$15 an hour. Study after study has linked higher income to better health.

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