
New laser achieves wavelength long sought by laser developers

Researchers at the University of Bath, United Kingdom have created a new kind of laser capable of pulsed and continuous mid-infrared (IR) emission between 3.1 and 3.2 microns, a spectral range that has long presented a major ...

Advanced NASA-developed instrument flies on Japan's Hitomi

Now that Japan's Hitomi spacecraft is safely in orbit, a team of NASA scientists is now ready to begin gathering data about the high-energy universe with an advanced instrument that carries never-before-flown technologies.

Could big dinosaurs swim? Scientists follow the footprints

How far can you trust a footprint? Dinosaur footprints are fascinating but there's a question over how reliable they are at providing information about the palaeobiology of the creatures that made them. While certain prints ...

Cyberwar is here to stay

Last week, The New York Times revealed that the Obama administration had prepared a cyberattack plan to be carried out against Iran in the event diplomatic negotiations failed to limit that country's nuclear weapons development.

Pentanuclear iron catalyst oxidizes water

(Phys.org)—Plants are able to convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. There is much interest in designing a system that mimics the photosynthetic process as an environmentally friendly way to produce energy ...

Soft solids and the science of cake

Researchers hope that working out the behaviours of soft solids, which can act like either solids or liquids, may make for tastier cakes – and safer oil wells.

Record efficiency with tandem solar cells

On Thursday Alice Furlan receives her PhD for her study in which she experimented with stacking different types of material layers in flexible, thin solar cells. By combining these with a thin layer of silicon into a 'tandem ...

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