
EU decision process hinders use of genetically modified trees

Just like other crops, trees can also be genetically modified in order to introduce new, useful characteristics. Although such trees offer many socio-economic and environmental benefits, complex and unpredictable EU procedures ...

Wild potatoes bring increased calcium for better tubers

Have you ever cut into a potato to find a dark spot or hollow part? Early research shows that these defects are likely the result of calcium deficiencies in the potato—and that tuber calcium is genetically linked to tuber ...

NASA sees strong vertical wind shear battering a weaker winston

Tropical Cyclone Winston has moved into an area with strong vertical wind shear in the Southern Pacific Ocean. The wind shear is battering the storm and has weakened it significantly. NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Winston ...

Study predicts salt marshes will persist despite rising seas

A new study in Nature Climate Change contends that traditional assessment methods overestimate the vulnerability of salt marshes to sea-level rise because they don't fully account for processes that allow the marshes to grow ...

What makes penguin feathers ice-proof

Humboldt penguins live in places that dip below freezing in the winter, and despite getting wet, their feathers stay sleek and free of ice. Scientists have now figured out what could make that possible. They report in ACS' ...

Ocean acidification slowing coral reef growth

New findings from fieldwork undertaken at the University of Sydney's One Tree Island Research Station provide evidence ocean acidification resulting from carbon dioxide emissions is already slowing coral reef growth.

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