
Environmentally friendly procedure developed for extracting silver

Silver can now be extracted ecologically and more efficiently than before. Researchers at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) extracted silver from a process stream using an environmentally friendly ion exchange technique. ...

Research suggests green crab is risky bait for lobster industry

Recent research conducted by Dalhousie University's Faculty of Agriculture indicates a high prevalence of a green crab pathogen now being found in lobsters in some Atlantic Canadian locations. The pathogen, a primary pathogen ...

New cicada species discovered in Switzerland and Italy

They belong to the best-known, biggest and loudest group of insects – and yet they still manage to surprise: Researchers at the University of Basel have discovered a new singing cicada species in Italy and southern Switzerland. ...

Renewable energy obtained from wastewater

Researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have devised an efficient way to obtain electrical energy and hydrogen by using a wastewater treatment process. The proposed system, published in Water Research, uses ...

Wireless sensors make aircraft maintenance more efficient

The FLITE-WISE project has developed new wireless sensors to facilitate the constant monitoring of European aircrafts. The new system, which is expected to bring both cost and weight down, will be commercialised within the ...

Could ionized gas do A better job of sterilizing spacecraft?

Earth's microbes are a hardy bunch. They can survive in extreme environments, such as inside hot springs at the bottom of the ocean. Some have even remained alive despite being exposed to the ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, ...

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