
NETL invents improved oxygen carriers

One of the keys to the successful deployment of chemical looping technologies is the development of affordable, high performance oxygen carriers. One potential solution is the naturally-occurring iron oxide, hematite.

Lifelong study suits spiderwoman

If there's one name that's synonymous with spider research in Western Australia it's Barbara York Main.

Ocean acidification slows algae growth in the Southern Ocean

Bremerhaven, 24 February 2015. In a recent study, scientists at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), demonstrate for the first time that ocean acidification could have negative ...

Could there be another planet behind the sun?

If you've read your share of sci-fi, and I know you have, you've read stories about another Earth-sized planet orbiting on the other side of the Solar System, blocked by the Sun. Could it really be there?

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