
The double-edged sword of palm oil

Widespread cultivation of oil palm trees has been both an economic boon and an environmental disaster for tropical developing-world countries. New research points to a more sustainable path forward through engagement with ...

Web application helps urban planners design cities

Urban planners must take a myriad of different objectives into account when designing development programs. These can include optimizing a neighborhood's built density, preserving old monuments and buildings, using renewable ...

Urban heat makes people sedentary, passive and lonely

Researchers from Western Sydney University have investigated the effect of rising temperatures on the liveability of cities. They found that an over-reliance on air-conditioning and lack of cooling elements in public outdoor ...

A boost for photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a fundamental biological process by which plants use light energy for growth. Most life forms on Earth are directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry ...

How gender inequality is reproduced on social media

Researchers from the Higher School of Economics analyzed 62 million public posts on the most popular Russian social networking site VK and found that both men and women mention sons more often than daughters. They also found ...

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