
Creating a roadmap for 2-D materials

The rapid growth of research on 2-D materials – materials such as graphene and others that are a single or few atoms thick – is fueled by the hope of developing better performing sensors for health and environment, more ...

Understanding the growth of coral reefs

Determining the growth dynamics of Red Sea coral reefs has enabled researchers to establish a baseline to assess the effects of environmental change.

A novel material for transparent and flexible displays

The next generation of flexible and transparent displays will require a high-performing and flexible polymeric material that has the optical and thermal properties of glass. The material must be transparent to visible light ...

A new home for optical solitons

Laser physicists based at the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics run by the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Ludwig-Maximilian University have, for the first time, generated dissipative solitons in passive, free-space ...

The curious link between brain diseases and blue-green algae

A scientific breakthrough intended to help boost the yields of food crops—such as wheat, cowpeas and cassava—might also improve understanding of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's that could one day lead to ...

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