
Women are less blinded by attractiveness than men

Many studies in psychology have shown that people judge how trustworthy a person is on the basis of their first impression of the other person's facial features. Whether there actually are differences between men and women ...

Novel, inexpensive catalysts enabling noble metal chemistry

Alkynes have many uses in industry. Until now, it was assumed that gold- or platinum-based catalysts were absolutely necessary for certain chemical reactions with alkynes. Chemists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg ...

MKID detectors turn out to have 100 times lower noise

Scientists use superconducting detectors (MKIDs) to discern the spectrum of exoplanets from their faint glow. Now, researchers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and TU Delft have observed 100 times lower ...

A chip-scale microscope for high-throughput fluorescence imaging

Conventional light microscopy has been instrumental for studying cells and microorganisms; fluorescence microscopy enabled visualization of even smaller cell features by selectively adding fluorescent labels to molecules. ...

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