
New biological sensor detects hidden disease in potatoes

Despite advances in increased food production, half of all world's harvested food is lost due to rots caused by microorganisms. Plants emit various volatile organic compounds into their surrounding environment, which can ...

When mothers shut down the fathers' genes in plant embryos

In humans, and many other species, both genes inherited from the mother and from the father influence how embryos develop. In the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, however, the mother has total control, as researchers from ...

COVID-19 pandemic fallout worse for women

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia has had a greater financial and psychological impact on women than men.

Urban crops can have higher yields than conventional farming

As urban populations boom, urban agriculture is increasingly looked to as a local food source and a way to help combat inequitable food access. But little is known about how productive urban agriculture is compared to conventional, ...

A superfast process for nanoscale machining

Cutting intricate patterns as small as several billionths of a meter deep and wide, the focused ion beam (FIB) is an essential tool for deconstructing and imaging tiny industrial parts to ensure they were fabricated correctly. ...

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