
Scientists crack mystery behind shape of bird eggs

A centuries-old mystery behind the shape of a bird's egg has been solved by scientists at the University of Sheffield as part of one of the longest-running scientific studies of its kind.

Building bricks on the moon from lunar dust

In the coming decades, many space agencies hope to conduct crewed missions to the moon and even establish outposts there. In fact, between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), Roscosmos, and the Indian and Chinese space ...

Social media provides critical information missed by FEMA

Social media sites can be a valuable tool for assessing the impact of natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey, but a new report indicates much of the critical information conveyed by those sites is overlooked by federal authorities.

Perfect inversion of complex structures

Perfectly inverting complex structures is of great technical importance. Researchers at ETH have now succeeded in turning the magnetic and electric structure of materials into their opposites using a single magnetic field ...

Locating the production site of glucan in grass cell walls

Where an item is manufactured tells you a lot about it. Is it made by an assembly line or handcrafted one at a time? To learn more about glucose, the sugary feedstock of biofuel refineries, scientists want to know where a ...

CSI Tromso—where forensics meets Vikings

Insect remains have their own tale to tell in the mystery that surrounds the Øsknes Viking burial boat, as Eva Pangiotakopulu and colleagues investigate in their recent PLOS ONE study.

Sequencing the genomes of a microbial ecosystem

Corn stalks rustle and tractors trundle along, their wheels grinding into the Kansas soil. While it seems like farmers and machinery conduct most of the work on a modern farm, much of the heavy lifting goes on below the surface. ...

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