
More sensitive modelling for better economic forecasting

How can policymakers avoid being wrong-footed by 'black swan' events such as the global financial crisis, when their modelling proves limited and rigid? One project employs sophisticated algorithms that uses localised data ...

Social gaming for better energy efficiency in public buildings

Tackling the energy inefficiency of public buildings, TRIBE developed a mobile game to educate and change behaviour. Its simulation draws on real data to demonstrate the human aspects of building use, such as ingrained attitudes ...

Red Sea flushes faster from far flung volcanoes

Deep water in the Red Sea gets replenished much faster than previously thought and its circulation is directly affected by major climatic events, including volcanic eruptions, KAUST researchers have found.

NASA's Aqua satellite captures burn scars from Substation Fire

The Substation Fire started on private land southeast of The Dalles, Oregon on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 and grew quickly moving more than 18 miles in the first period of burning.  Weather has played a major factor in the swift ...

How to cheat at dice – from an expert in games

Archaeologists recently uncovered a 600-year-old die that was probably used for cheating. The wooden die from medieval Norway has two fives, two fours, a three and a six, while the numbers one and two are missing. It is believed ...

Seeing Titan with infrared eyes

These six infrared images of Saturn's moon Titan represent some of the clearest, most seamless-looking global views of the icy moon's surface produced so far. The views were created using 13 years of data acquired by the ...

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