
Dead duck divides dates for fossil finds

A newly discovered extinct duck that lived in ancient Aotearoa New Zealand could be key to dating other finds from an ancient lake bed uncovered in St Bathans, Central Otago.

Each Antarctic tourist effectively melts 83 metric tons of snow

Every summer, as the sea ice surrounding Antarctica retreats, tens of thousands of tourists and scientists flock to the landmass by boat and plane. The remote continent is becoming increasingly accessible—during the 2019-20 ...

Predatory phytoplankton key to understanding ocean ecosystem

A team of researchers has spent years taming mysterious marine microbes from the open ocean to grow in a lab, to investigate their feeding habits. The group's latest discoveries, led by University of Hawai'i at Mānoa oceanography ...

(Bio)sensing protein interactions

The job of a protein hub inside the nucleus of a cell is similar to that of a chef in a kitchen. Both need to manage multiple tasks efficiently for a successful outcome. For the chef, if they spend too much time chopping ...

The reign of the dinosaurs ended in spring

The asteroid that killed nearly all dinosaurs struck Earth during springtime. An international team of scientists from the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Uppsala University (Sweden), Vrije Universiteit ...

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