
Earliest evidence of ear surgery 5,300 years ago

A team of several researchers from the University of Valladolid, in Spain and one from the Spanish National Research Council in Italy, has found evidence of the earliest ear surgery performed on a human being. In their paper ...

Researchers gain insights into Rio Tinto microbial community

At the mouth of the Rio Tinto in southwestern Spain, acidic river water—polluted with heavy metals from ore mining and mineral weathering—mixes with the salt water of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, microorganisms that love ...

Ultra-high magneto-mechanical damping in Fe-Ga single crystals

Fe-18 at.%Ga alloys with magnetostrictive coefficients up to 400 ppm are expected to have high damping based on the magneto-mechanical hysteresis damping (MMHD) model. However, in some studies of the magnetostrictive properties ...

Fog maintains water balance of epiphytes during dry season

Montane cloud forest is generally characterized by persistent, frequent incidences of fog and low cloud cover at the canopy level, which usually harbors an abundant epiphyte community. To adapt to the water deficits, epiphytes ...

Exploring the mysterious source of fast radio bursts

The phenomenon of fast radio bursts is one of the greatest mysteries of modern astrophysics. Until now it has been believed that their source is magnetars. The latest discovery, in which dr Marcin Gawroński from the NCU ...

Global warming suppresses shrub recruitment in Arctic and Tibet

A new study led by Prof. Liang Eryuan from the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research (ITP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) shows that global warming has suppressed shrub recruitment in Greenland and the Tibetan Plateau.

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