
Adhesives and insulating foams from softwood bark tannins

In collaboration with its partners, VTT developed tannin extraction from softwood bark as part of an ERA-NET project. At least 130 kg of crude tannin powder can be produced from one tonne of dry wood bark, still leaving 87% ...

We're all mammals – so why do we look so different?

It is easy to distinguish a mouse from a cow. But for members of the same class of mammal, where do such differences begin? In 2011, scientists discovered there were differences in cow and mice blastocysts, the tiny hollow ...

Recycling of nutrients is the key to saving the Earth

Leakages of nutrients necessary for food production – especially nitrogen and phosphorus – cause severe eutrophication to the Earth's aquatic ecosystems and promote climate change. However, this threat also hides an opportunity. ...

Winter air campaign tracking how pollution handles the cold

When we think about pollution, we imagine the dark clouds puffing from smokestacks or tailpipes. But those clouds quickly rise upward, follow the winds, and react with other gases and particles in the air. These processes ...

School surveillance on the rise

Invasive school surveillance practices are the norm in the UK and USA, and according to a University of Adelaide criminologist, such practices are becoming increasingly popular in Australian schools.

Quadruplets in a stellar womb

More than half of all stars are in multiple systems: binary stars, or even triplets or quadruplets, that orbit one another. No one is quite sure how or why they form, but the effects can be significant, for example influencing ...

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