
Stopping yellow spot fungus that attacks wheat crops

Scientists from the Centre for Crop and Disease Management (CCDM) and Curtin University in Western Australia have used an advanced imaging technique at the Australian Synchrotron for an in-depth look at how a fungus found ...

Your plane travel destroys polar bear habitat

A group of polar bear researchers wants you to do more than worry about the fate of these beautiful animals. They've calculated how much summer sea ice is melted per metric tonne of CO2 emissions. Then you can decide if the ...

Printing objects that can incorporate living organisms

A method for printing 3-D objects that can control living organisms in predictable ways has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of researchers at MIT and elsewhere. The technique may lead to 3-D printing of biomedical ...

Artificial cells react to environmental changes

Cells are the basic unit of life. They provide an environment for the fundamental molecules of life to interact, for reactions to take place and sustain life. However, the biological cell is very complicated, making it difficult ...

A new approach to reveal the multiple structures of RNA

Experimental data and computer simulations have yielded an innovative technique to characterize the configurations of an RNA molecule. The work, published in Nucleic Acids Research, opens new roads to studying dynamic molecular ...

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