
Scientist proposes new definition of a planet

Pluto hogs the spotlight in the continuing scientific debate over what is and what is not a planet, but a less conspicuous argument rages on about the planetary status of massive objects outside our solar system. The dispute ...

Two dimensional circuit with magnetic quasi-particles

Whether smart phone, computer or dialysis machine – there is no electronic device without chips and their electronic components inside. The individual circuit elements are therefore often wired using three dimensional so ...

Scientists create high-speed coding system

Scientists of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Russia) have proposed a scheme for optical encoding of information based on the formation of wave fronts, and which works with spatially incoherent illumination. ...

Optical nanoscope images quantum dots

Physicists have developed a technique based on optical microscopy that can be used to create images of atoms on the nanoscale. In particular, the new method allows the imaging of quantum dots in a semiconductor chip. Together ...

Researchers develop transportable optical atomic clock

Atomic clocks are no longer based on a microwave transition in cesium, instead operating with other atoms that are excited using optical frequencies. Some of these new clocks are portable. At its QUEST Institute, PTB is currently ...

Undersea quake sends Alaskans fleeing from feared tsunami

A powerful undersea earthquake sent Alaskans fumbling for suitcases and racing to evacuation centers in the middle of the night after a cellphone alert warned a tsunami could hit communities along the state's southern coast ...

Skiers injured by flying rocks on Japanese volcano

Twelve people, including eight soldiers, skiing on the slopes of a volcano near a famous hot spring resort in central Japan were injured Tuesday by flying rocks during a sudden eruption, officials said. One soldier later ...

Artificial intelligence predicts corruption

Researchers from the University of Valladolid (Spain) have created a computer model based on neural networks that calculates the probability in Spanish provinces of corruption, as well as the conditions that favor it. This ...

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