
To treat cancer, is the force strong with nanorobots?

(Phys.org) —Every day, more than 20,000 people around the world succumb to cancer, according to statistics compiled by the World Health Organization. Thousands more continue to suffer through treatment and its side effects.

SOFIA's target of opportunity: Comet ISON

NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) embarked on a "target of opportunity" flight recently that included study of Comet ISON. The lengthy mission was SOFIA's second opportunity to capture data on ...

Video: Guide to our Galaxy

This virtual journey shows the different components that make up our home galaxy, the Milky Way, which contains about a hundred billion stars.

Unravelling the mind-body connection with power-efficient IC chip

Despite the advances in neuroscience research, the human brain remains a complex puzzle with questions unanswered about how it controls human behaviour, cognitive functions and movements. Scientists from A*STAR Institute ...

Image: A portrait of global winds

High-resolution global atmospheric modeling provides a unique tool to study the role of weather within Earth's climate system. NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System Model (GEOS-5) is capable of simulating worldwide weather ...

Power boosting self-cleaning solar panels

High-power, self-cleaning solar panels might be coming soon to a roof near you. There are two obvious problems with photovoltaic cells, solar panels. First, they are very shiny and so a lot of the incident sunlight is simply ...

287-year-old Hebrew manuscript goes on sale

A 287-year-old manuscript handwritten in Hebrew and found in a cardboard box in a North Manchester garage, is to be auctioned this morning. The 18th Century richly illuminated Haggadah, used by Jews during the first two nights ...

Sweet poison: Star fruit neurotoxin identified

(Phys.org) —Patients with kidney disease have to watch what they eat: bananas, oranges, tomatoes, nuts, broccoli, and beans are all off-limits. Putting star fruit or carambola on the menu would be downright dangerous. This ...

Image: Qarhan Salt Lake

This false-colour composite image from the Kompsat-2 satellite shows part of the Qarhan Salt Lake on the Tibetan Plateau in China.

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