
Pioneering new process creates versatile moldable wood

Natural wood already boasts an inherently lower life cycle cost than other materials and is a naturally strong, lightweight, and durable composite material that could offer an attractive alternative to commonly used polymers, ...

Pro­jection of extre­me rain­fall impro­ved

Mapping the effects of mostly small-scale but extreme rainfall events in global climate models poses major challenges. Computer models that are used to simulate the global climate, for example in the reports of the Intergovernmental ...

Quantum battles in attoscience: Following three debates

In July 2020, 300 researchers from 34 different countries attended the CECAM virtual workshop, 'Quantum Battles in Attoscience'. EPJ D presents three community papers which emerged from the in-depth panel discussions held ...

Gravitational self-lensing of massive black hole binaries

A "massive" black hole (MBH) is one whose mass is more than about one hundred thousand solar-masses. MBHs reside at the centers of most galaxies, and when they actively accrete gas and dust onto their surrounding hot disk ...

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