
A new data assimilation system to improve precipitation forecast

Data assimilation systems can provide accurate initial fields for further improving numerical weather prediction (NWP). Since 2008, Tian Xiangjun and his team at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy ...

What a crystal reveals about nuclear materials processing

While studying legacy contaminated soil samples from the Plutonium Finishing Plant waste crib at the Hanford Site (Richland, WA), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers located and extracted tiny crystals ...

Vanilla cultivation under trees promotes pest regulation

The cultivation of vanilla in Madagascar provides a good income for smallholder farmers, but without trees and bushes, the plantations can lack biodiversity. Agricultural ecologists from the University of Göttingen, in cooperation ...

Wildfires can cause dangerous debris flows

Wildfires don't stop being dangerous after the flames go out. Even one modest rainfall after a fire can cause a deadly landslide, according to new UC Riverside research.

Grafting with epigenetically-modified rootstock yields surprise

Novel grafted plants—consisting of rootstock epigenetically modified to "believe" it has been under stress—joined to an unmodified scion, or above-ground shoot, give rise to progeny that are more vigorous, productive ...

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