
It's time environmentalists talked about the population problem

In all the talk of tackling environmental problems such as climate change, the problem of population growth often escapes attention. Politicians don't like talking about it. By and large, neither do environmentalists—but ...

What would a realistic space battle look like?

Science fiction space movies can do a poor job of educating people about space. In the movies, hot-shot pilots direct their dueling space ships through space as if they're flying through an atmosphere. They bank and turn ...

Sponges as biomonitors of micropollution

Sponges are filter feeders that live on particulate matter—but they can also ingest microscopic fragments of plastics and other pollutants of anthropogenic origin. They can therefore serve as useful bioindicators of the ...

Successful leaders are 'one of us'

A successful leader is one who creates a shared sense of "us-ness" in the groups they lead, according to University of Queensland research.

The language of health and wealth

What impact does a person's proficiency in English as a second language have on their health and economic integration when they settle in the U.S.? That's the issue addressed in new research published in the International ...

The implications of signs of life on Venus?

The planet Venus has arguably remained less captivating than, say, the legendary tennis star or, for that matter, the women's razor blade company—both of those Venuses have at least enjoyed ample airtime on cable TV.

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