
Can anti-aging research help future memory devices?

Nothing is forever, but is it possible to slow down inescapable decay? An inquiry into the delay of deterioration of quantum memory devices and formation of black holes explained with intuitive analogies from everyday life

Dyes detect disease through heartbeat signals

Vibrant tones of yellow, orange, and red move in waves across the screen. Although the display looks like psychedelic art, it's actually providing highly technical medical information – the electrical activity of a beating ...

Crystal structure reveals details of nonstandard RNA transcription

High-resolution crystal structure reveals a new pathway for RNA during a nontraditional form of transcription—the process by which RNA is produced from a DNA template. Caught during the act of reiterative transcription, ...

How cytoplasm 'feels' to a cell's components

Under a microscope, a cell's cytoplasm can resemble a tiny underwater version of New York's Times Square: Thousands of proteins swarm through a cytoplasm's watery environment, coming together and breaking apart like a cytoskeletal ...

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