
Beetles modify emissions of greenhouse gases from cow pats

Cattle contribute to global warming by burping and farting large amounts of greenhouse gases. Some of the same gases are also emitted from cow pats on pastures. But now researchers from the University of Helsinki have found ...

Wheelchair for developing countries designed by students

Muddy, unpaved roads and doors with high thresholds. Operating a wheelchair in a developing country is a challenge. In their degree project for Industrial Design Engineering, Chalmers students Erik Ohlson and Christian Bremer ...

Fishery bounce back informs on seagrass importance

Insights into the impact of cyclones on tiger prawn habitats in north Western Australia has demonstrated the resilience of the species, as well as underscored the importance of protecting seagrass for fisheries production ...

Assessing the sustainability of aquaculture production

Global consumption of seafood has risen dramatically over the last decade, due to a growing population, increased affluence and changing eating habits - many now see seafood as a healthy alternative to meat. The EU is the ...

Women at NASA manage novel hurricane mission

Women at NASA have made important contributions to the agency's missions, since its founding in 1958. But, as recently as 20 years ago, the number of women in key technical and project management positions was small. In 1993, ...

Two become one with the 3-D NanoChemiscope

The 3D NanoChemiscope is a miracle of state-of-the-art analysis technology. As a further development of well-known microscopic and mass spectroscopic methods, it maps the physical and chemical surfaces of materials down to ...

Wideband wavelength conversion using cavity optomechanics

A team of researchers at the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST), the University of Maryland, and the California Institute of Technology have demonstrated optical wavelength conversion using interactions ...

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