
Silicon with a two-dimensional structure

Silicon, a semi-metal, bonds in its natural form with four other elements and its three-dimensional structure takes the form of a tetrahedron. For a long time, it seemed impossible to achieve the synthesis and characterisation ...

New insight on the reproductive evolution of land plants

Around 470 million years ago, plants began to conquer the terrestrial surfaces. The first examples had a small axis terminated by a structure capable of forming spores, almost like current mosses. The appearance of plant ...

Characterized drugs show unexpected effects

When Alexander Flemming discovered a mold on a culture plate overgrown with bacteria in 1928, he did not expect to find one of the most widely used active substances: penicillin. Accidental discoveries and the identification ...

Antimatter from laser pincers

In the depths of space, there are celestial bodies where extreme conditions prevail: Rapidly rotating neutron stars generate super-strong magnetic fields. And black holes, with their enormous gravitational pull, can cause ...

Informing policy for long-term global food security

More than 820 million people in the world don't have enough to eat, while climate change and increasing competition for land and water are further raising concerns about the future balance between food demand and supply. ...

How an old quarry became a global geological reference point

The international team of geoscientists led by Prof. Silke Voigt from the Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Ireneusz Walaszczyk from the University of Warsaw and Dr. André Bornemann from LBEG have thoroughly investigated ...

Printing a comfortable 3D 'house' for co-living cells

Scientists of the MIPT Cell Signaling Regulation Laboratory have developed a new low cost, reproducible system for the co-cultivation of cells. This system is based on a polymerized BSA membrane. Its size and relief are determined ...

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