
Tapping the ocean as a source of natural products

The oceans are teeming with countless forms of life, from the world's largest creature—the blue whale—to miniscule microorganisms. In addition to their vast numbers, these microorganisms are also crucial for ensuring ...

Projected increase in space travel may damage ozone layer

Projected growth in rocket launches for space tourism, moon landings, and perhaps travel to Mars has many dreaming of a new era of space exploration. But a NOAA study suggests that a significant boost in spaceflight activity ...

Soil microbes return after replanting local native plants

Robust long-term ecosystem restoration relies not just on replanting native vegetation but on the recovery of underlying soil biodiversity—yet this area has received little attention and is poorly understood, Flinders University ...

Modeling electrolyte transport in water-rich exoplanets

Oceans on water-rich exoplanets may be enriched with electrolytes, including salts such as sodium chloride, suggests a modeling study published in Nature Communications. The research proposes electrolytes can be transported ...

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