
'Upcycling' promises to turn food waste into your next meal

How would you like to dig into a "recycled" snack? Or take a swig of juice with "reprocessed" ingredients made from other food byproducts? Without the right marketing, these don't sound like the most appetizing options.

New method for the molecular functionalization of surfaces

One vision that is currently driving material scientists is to combine organic molecules (and their diverse functionalities) with the technological possibilities offered by extremely sophisticated semiconductor electronics. ...

Video: Confronting the 'insect apocalypse'

It's not just bees and butterflies that are under threat: UConn entomologist and Professor David Wagner says all kinds of insects are at risk for "a death by a thousand cuts." This is alarming, since insects play vital roles ...

Research shows how carrion beetles turn death into life

It was Halloween and the discussion had inevitably turned to death – and flesh-eating zombies. I had just finished lunch at a "research away day" when I got caught up in a conversation about carrion beetles with a new colleague ...

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