
Studies show different types of vinegar may benefit health

The earliest known use of vinegar dates back more than 10,000 years ago and has been used as a food and medicine.  A new review article in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), ...

Potential weekend meteor shower will also affect the moon

If the hoped-for meteor blast materializes this Friday night / Saturday morning (May 23-24) Earth won't be the only world getting peppered with debris strewn by comet 209P/LINEAR. The moon will zoom through the comet's dusty ...

Heightened biosecurity threat is often exaggerated

The link between synthetic biology and heightened biosecurity threats is often exaggerated. In a report published today (22nd May) by King's College London, researchers say that in order to produce more refined assessments ...

A new subdetector for LHC's ATLAS

Closest to the beam pipe where particle collisions will occur in the very heart of ATLAS, a new subdetector – the Insertable B-Layer – was recently put in place. The IBL team had been developing and practicing the insertion ...

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