
Groupon bargain service taps ex-Google exec

Online bargain hunter Groupon announced the appointment of former Google executive Margo Georgiadis on Thursday, saying she would oversee global sales, marketing and operations.

Russians 'never, ever had sex in space': official

Russian or Soviet cosmonauts never had sex in space in the 50 years of human exploration of the cosmos. And that's official, according to a Russian expert. As for Americans, well, you'd better ask them.

Playing pool with atoms

(PhysOrg.com) -- The scientist who developed the world’s most sensitive spectrometer for identifying atoms on a material’s surface came to Lehigh recently to give a talk at the only U.S. lab that is equipped with ...

Humpback whale migration as straight as an arrow

(PhysOrg.com) -- Over the last eight years, researchers from the University of Canterbury have been tracking 16 radio-tagged humpback whales through their migratory paths and learned that these whales follow a straight line ...

Large Hadron Collider sets world record beam intensity

(PhysOrg.com) -- Around midnight this night CERN's Large Hadron Collider set a new world record for beam intensity at a hadron collider when it collided beams with a luminosity of 4.67 x 1032cm-2s-1. This exceeds the previous ...

DNA nanoparticles to carry drugs and gene therapy

(PhysOrg.com) -- DNA isn't just for genetics anymore. Cornell researchers are using synthetic DNA to make nanoparticles, dubbed DNAsomes, that can deliver drugs and genetic therapy to the insides of cells.

Science and policy can catalyze each other, EPA head says

Technological innovations have the ability to change environmental policies just as much as those policies can affect innovation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson said during a visit ...

'Smart' power grid needed for electric vehicles

(PhysOrg.com) -- While an upcoming Electric Vehicle Grand Prix may reflect a growing popularity of electric vehicles, their widespread adoption will require innovations to the power grid, say researchers at Purdue University.

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