
Discovery of an Unexpected Boost for Solar Water-Splitting Cells

(PhysOrg.com) -- A research team from Northeastern University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology has discovered, serendipitously, that a residue of a process used to build arrays of titania nanotubes—a ...

Sexual harassment from males prevents female bonding, says study

(PhysOrg.com) -- The extent to which sexual harassment from males can damage relationships between females is revealed in a new study. Led by the Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter and published ...

Lice can be nice to us

(PhysOrg.com) -- Parasite infestations might have a good side. Wild mice from a Nottinghamshire forest have given experts at The University of Nottingham clues as to the importance of some parasites, such as lice, for the ...

'Sixty Symbols' -- unravelling the secret language of science

(PhysOrg.com) -- It is the most famous scientific equation in history, framed by Einstein more than a century ago. But what does e=mc² actually stand for? And how does it explain the relationship between energy, mass and ...

Chandra Shows Shocking Impact of Galaxy Jet

(PhysOrg.com) -- A survey by the Chandra X-ray observatory has revealed in detail, for the first time, the effects of a shock wave blasted through a galaxy by powerful jets of plasma emanating from a supermassive black hole ...

Most distant detection of water in the Universe

(PhysOrg.com) -- Astronomers have found the most distant signs of water in the Universe to date. Dr John McKean of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) will be presenting the discovery at the European Week ...

Analysis knocks down theory on origin of cell structure

(PhysOrg.com) -- Understanding how living cells originated and evolved into their present forms remains a fundamental research area in biology, one boosted in recent years by the introduction of new tools for genomic analysis. ...

Rich musical pickings with easier access to archives

(PhysOrg.com) -- Digital sound archives offer enormously rich resources but accessing them is currently difficult, and often arbitrary. European researchers believe they have developed a solution, one that offers compelling ...

Mysterious space blob discovered at cosmic dawn (w/Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of astronomers, led by Carnegie's Masami Ouchi, have discovered a mysterious, giant object that existed when the universe was only 800 million years old. Dubbed an extended "Lyman-Alpha blob," it is ...

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