
Blue holes bring forgotten chemical element back on stage

About a third of all Swiss exports result from fundamental discoveries in synthetic chemistry. Certain drugs and perfumes, as well as food and agricultural products—and even Ferrari's famous red colour—are derived from ...

World's carbon emissions on the rise again: IEA

Harmful carbon emissions from energy rose in 2017 for the first time in three years, the International Energy Agency said Thursday, proof that the world's efforts to fight climate change are falling short.

Indonesia women face daily swim for clean water

Indonesian villager Mama Hasria swims upstream with about 200 empty jerry cans tied to her back, a daily trip she and other local women make to get clean water for their community on Sulawesi island.

YouTube follows Amazon into movie theaters

YouTube has announced it is making a movie in-house to be released in theaters, in a development seen as a step towards the model of new-media innovator Amazon.

Toyota suspends self-driving car tests after Uber death

Japanese automaker Toyota said Thursday it was suspending tests of its self-driving cars so staff could "emotionally process" after an autonomous Uber car killed a pedestrian in an accident.

Hong Kong shops defy ban on trade in pangolin scales

On a winding Hong Kong street where shops keep a dizzying array of dried produce, one highly valued ingredient is still being sold despite being subject to an international ban: deep-fried scales of endangered pangolins.

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