
Seabirds foraging habits revealed

A study of seabirds' foraging habits has found that they have strong long term preferences for the habitat in which they forage, and that those that can repeatedly go to the same place to find food have a better chance of ...

How predictable are the Oscars? More than you might think

This week, most of the major figures in film-making will gather in Hollywood for the 89th annual Oscars ceremony. You can bank on seeing a few painfully inane red carpet interviews, several fawning acceptance speeches and ...

Social scientist discusses the realities of eviction

"Eviction" is a term that has become increasingly familiar to Americans over the past decade as one of the most visible symbols of poverty and economic misfortune. But research by social scientist and ethnographer Matthew ...

Studying dusty air has both local and global significance

Understanding the unique characteristics of the Arabian atmosphere has much to offer global research. Pollution, weather, climate change, human health, agriculture and fisheries are all affected by the suspended particles ...

New polymer nanocomposites could improve solar cell durability

The Polymer Nanocomposites Laboratory at Texas A&M University, directed by Dr. Jaime Grunlan, is working with scientists at the Sandia National Laboratory to reduce or eliminate arc faults and corrosion in solar cells. Corrosion ...

Laws crucial to preserve biodiversity threatened

The mounting threats posed to the global environment by harmful human activities cannot be averted without effective legislation controlling those activities. However, the environmental laws designed for this purpose are ...

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