
RNA pathway plays key role in health, lifespan, fly study shows

Humans and other animals carry rogue sequences of DNA in their genomes called transposable elements (TEs). To prevent passing TEs to their offspring, they employ the piRNA pathway in their reproductive organs to block the ...

Convenience shop items delivered by drone in US

US drone delivery service Flirtey on Monday announced that its self-piloting flying machines have whisked flu medicine, hot food and more from 7-Eleven convenience stores to customers' homes.

Facebook dials in live audio streaming option

Facebook on Monday began testing a live audio streaming service that will let people essentially broadcast radio-style on the leading online social network.

Robot gives rare glimpse under Antarctic sea ice

An underwater robot has captured a rare glimpse beneath the Antarctic sea ice, revealing a colourful world filled with coconut-shaped sponges, dandelion-like worms, pink algae and spidery starfish.

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