
Tropical tree mortality—new study reveals why trees die

A study by scientists at UNSW Sydney, Macquarie University, data61 and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute has shown why some tropical tree species die and others survive, revealing new insights into the processes ...

Cryptocurrencies: High volatility and returns

It's been an extremely volatile year for Bitcoin prices. About a year ago, Bitcoin was trading in a range of $4,000 to $5,000. After climbing to a high of just over $20,000 in December 2017, it now seems to be back where ...

Counting orangutan nests to estimate orangutan population

A general misconception about estimating wildlife population is that it is a simple calculation of individual animals. Much like how we do a headcount at school, orangutans too, can be counted in a similar way in the wild.

Millimetre waves for the last mile

Reseachers at ETH Zurich have developed a modulator with which data transmitted via millimetre waves can be directly converted into light pulses for optical fibres. This could make covering the "last mile" up to the internet ...

Projection mapping technique developed to reduce shadow

Projection mapping systems that project images onto various-sized curved surfaces ranging from buildings to flowers have been used for scenographic and modern arts since around the turn of the century. The systems are widely ...

How a crystal is solvated in water

Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have observed how a molecule from a solid crystal structure is solvated in a liquid solvent at a molecular level for the first time. The process is too fast to decipher at room temperature. ...

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