
Nokia to cut 1,800 jobs as net profit euro529 million

(AP) -- Nokia Corp. is moving quickly to restructure its lagging smart phone business under new CEO Stephen Elop, announcing Thursday it will lay off 1,800 people even as third-quarter earnings bounced back from a year-ago ...

Portable power source cleans water (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- One of the challenges faced by millions of people around the world is access to clean drinking water. Additionally, during natural disasters, it can be difficult for stricken areas to have access to the power ...

Towards better explosives detectors

Over the past decade, Christine Mahoney and a team of scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Maryland have been working to stop the threat of terrorist-based attacks in the form of explosives ...

Coccolithophore blooms in the southwest Atlantic

A study led by Dr Stuart Painter of the National Oceanography Centre helps explain the formation of huge phytoplankton blooms off the southeast coast of South America during the austral summer (December-January). The region ...

Snap of fruit fly embryo wins scientific photo competition

An eye-catching image of a fruit fly embryo, which was taken by a postgraduate student at the University of Sheffield, has beaten-off stiff competition from hundreds of entries to win an award at a special photographic competition ...

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