
Steam balloon to facilitate satellite launches

Steam balloons could be used to lift space rockets to higher altitude for launch. Launching from high altitude reduces air drag and thus improves efficiency. The researchers present the method in an article published in The ...

Why we need new climate models

Climate models are a success story, given that much of what they predicted has actually come true. Nevertheless, Reto Knutti points out in a blog post, researchers still need new models.

Music charts are increasingly short-lived

Cultural processes are increasingly short-lived, showing in addition a growing tendency toward self-organization. As a result, success is now governed by a universal law. This was discovered by the physicists Professor Claudius ...

The secret sex lives of stick insects

Massey University researchers have discovered more about the sexual lives of stick insects in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Fruit flies learn their body size once for an entire lifetime

In order to orient themselves and survive in their environment, animals must develop a concept of their own body size. Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have shown that the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster ...

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