
Why is China facing record floods?

Record rains have inundated central China with floods striking an underground subway system, damaging dams and riverbanks, and causing landslides and building collapses.

EXPLAINER: What's making mid-Atlantic songbirds sick?

A mysterious ailment has sickened and killed thousands of songbirds in several mid-Atlantic states since late spring. While scientists are still racing to confirm the cause, it seems juvenile birds may be most susceptible. ...

A new model of coral reef health

Scientists have developed a new way to model and map the health of coral reef ecosystems using data collected on the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation's Global Reef Expedition. This innovative method, presented today ...

Nanostructures enable record high-harmonic generation

Cornell researchers have developed nanostructures that enable record-breaking conversion of laser pulses into high-harmonic generation, paving the way for new scientific tools for high-resolution imaging and studying physical ...

Accelerating geometry optimization in molecular simulation

Machine learning, a data analysis method used to automate analytical model building, has reshaped the way scientists and engineers conduct research. A branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science, the method ...

When companies massage the books, the environment takes a hit

Managing earnings involves the manipulation of financial reporting by publicly traded companies in order to misrepresent how well they're really doing. Companies might insert a low-ball estimate of bad debt or delay the announcement ...

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