
Monsanto faces first US trial over Roundup cancer link

In the first trial of its kind, a Californian dying of cancer is suing US agrochemical giant Monsanto, claiming its popular herbicide Roundup caused his disease—a case that could have sweeping ramifications.

Xiaomi: A Chinese startup out to challenge Google, Amazon

Xiaomi, a Chinese cellphone maker that helped pioneer the trend toward ultra-low-priced smartphones, is preparing for what would possibly be the biggest tech initial public offering since e-commerce giant Alibaba's in 2014.

Daimler cuts profit forecast, blaming US-China tariffs

German luxury carmaker Daimler on Wednesday cut its profit forecast for 2018, blaming new tariffs on cars exported from the United States to China, amid lingering fears of a trade war between the world's biggest economies.

Democracy in decline for one-third of the world

2.6 billion people—a third of the world's population—live in countries where democracy is in retreat, according to a new study based on the largest dataset on democracy, published today in Democratization. The research ...

Many wildlife-vehicle collisions preventable

A new study from the University of Waterloo has found that Ontario could save millions by implementing simple measures to help prevent vehicle accidents involving wildlife.

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